Desafío Latam
Tips empleo

¡En inglés! 20 preguntas difíciles de entrevista laboral TI

Blog 20 ok

Blog 20 ok

  1. Why should we hire you?
  2. Can you give me an example of a time where you solved a problem?
  1. Can you tell us about your weeknesses?
  2. Why do you want to work for us?
  3. How do you handle tight deadlines?
  4. What online resources do you use to help you do your job?
  5. How do you keep your technology skills current?
  6. How would you explain [a relevant technology] to someone with limited tech skills?
  7. . What strengths do you think are most important in a developer [or another relevant tech position]?
  8. How would your colleagues describe you?
  9. Can you tell me about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted at work, such as a project that failed, or being passed over for a promotion?
  10. What are your favorite and least favorite technology products, and why?
  11. What are the benefits and the drawbacks of working in an Agile environment?
  12. How do you think technology advances will impact your job?
  13. Tell me about a tech project you’ve worked on in your spare time.
  14. Tell us about the last presentation you gave
  15. What are the qualities of a successful team or project leader?
  16. What would you hope to achieve in the first six months after being hired?
  17. What skills or characteristics make someone an effective remote worker?
  18. How do you manage your work-life balance?




  1. Why should we hire you? (¿Por qué debemos contratarte?)

Ponte en el lugar del/la recruiter. Toda contratación conlleva un riesgo; será muy útil ser positiv@ y decir lo más claramente posible cómo tu perfil sumaría a la posición que buscan. Claro, primero debes leer bien la descripción del rol porque eso es lo que buscarán de ti.

Un ejemplo de respuesta podría ser:

I belive that my experience in technology, specifically in web design, makes me the best candidate for this position. In my previous job, I was responsible for updating the company´s website. This required me to always make sure everything goes on well on the web page, update employee profiles and ensure proper content upload on the site. I enjoyed the role, which was what attracted me to this company. I would love to bring my skills to this position.

En este ejemplo usamos la posición de un/a desarrollador, que habla de un website, asegúrate de ajustarlo a tu situación.


Si no cuentas con experiencia previa una buena idea es hablar de tus habilidades, proyectos que hayas realizado y cómo manejarías posibles situaciones a las que el trabajo te pueda enfrentar.

2. Can you give me an example of a time where you solved a problem? (¿Puedes darme un ejemplo de una ocasión en la que resolviste un problema?)

Acá el entrevistador intenta indagar sobre tu capacidad de resolver obstáculos y tu actitud (las «habilidades blandas» o «soft skills que tienes»). Asegúrate de explicar claramente cuál era el problema, por qué era conflictivo y especialmente tu rol en la resolución (y que siempre sea un resultado positivo).


[Indicá claramente tu rol] In my role as the growth lead in my previous company, I was in charged of managing the growth of the company. [El problema] At one point, I noticed that our grow was limited to just one source (online source) and this was limiting the revenue capacity that we would have gotten over time.

[Qué acción pusiste en marcha] So I called our sales and marketing team to discuss about the best solution, which I proposed it should be doing more offline activities proper to our niche. [Solución satisfactoria] We came to an agreement of investing more in branding and doing more PR activities to connect with potential custimers. Within 3 months, we got to increase our sales some 15% and the amount of requests of people wanting to know more about our company went up, from 1 per day to 5.


Intenta ser clar@ y conciso así el entrevistador no se aburre del relato y no pierdes su atención.

3. Can you tell us about your weeknesses? (¿Puedes hablarnos de tus puntos débiles?)

Esta es una de las preguntas más odiadas. El/la entrevistado/a quiere saber qué aspectos tuyos pueden complicar el desempeño del rol.


Ejemplo de respuesta:

Public speaking makes me really nervous. Even if I don’t have to do it much in my role as a graphic designer, I nonetheless feel it is an important skill I have to get used to, especially because it has to do with improving the communication with others.

To overcome this, I practice my presentations in front of a mirror at home, which gives me the confidence needed to speak later on. I have also started to introduce some commentaries and perceptions while in meetings, I have done it in small ones at the beginning and now I can do it in larger ones as well.

4. Why do you want to work for us? (¿Por qué quieres trabajar con nosotros?)

Para responder esta pregunta exitosamente es necesario que primero hayas investigado sobre la empresa y el rol en cuestión. Las empresas siempre tendrán aspectos principales y secundarios, asegúrate que hablas de los «core values», es decir, de los valores o principios claves para la empresa al momento de responder.

Algunas frases útiles para responder pueden ser:

I am willing to give the next step in my career and I think this position would be ideal because…(it will give me the possibility to coordinate a larger group of people than what I have before/ prove my skills in another area / challenge my abilities in a new environment, etc).

While investigating about the company I got really impressed by the fact that …(it is very consciouss about the community) because I, myself, am very …(aware of taking chances to help people with less resources. since…)

This is also why I believe I would be an ideal fit for the position and the reasons why I am very keen in working for (name of the company)

5. How do you handle tight deadlines? (¿Cómo manejas fechas límite apretadas?)

No es un secreto que en el área TI se corra con entregas en tiempos muy ajustados. Quien te entreviste querrá saber 1) cómo manejas la situación, 2) si llegas o no a la entrega, 3) cómo manejas tus emociones cuando hay entregas de este tipo

Algunas frases útiles a incluir en tu respuesta son:

I always try to foresee the situation by checking on my tasks list and re-asigning priorities. In case I see a potential problem, I revise priorities with my supervisor, to see which proyect I should start with and to give time to the company to talk with the client and check on the flexibility of the due time.

Talking with my lider is also positive since he or she can assign another resource to the proyect in case he/she detects the due date is really problematic.

Then, I assess which parts are crucial and which are prone to be made by some automation or AI that can help improve my productivity.

¿Te gustó este tipo de contenidos? Entonces te invitamos en seguirnos en las redes, para enterarte cuándo creamos más contenidos y que nos propongas temas de tu interés, y ¡Vamos con todo!

Estamos seguros que tu próximo trabajo se encuentra a la vuelta de la esquina, ¡A no bajar los brazos!

Instagram: @desafiolatam

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